The Final Frontier
To boldly go where no (hu)man has gone before
Never have our endeavors in space travel been nobler than
...when we torched the peaceful nation of log people in Aroiste 34B by accident, thinking they were firewood made for us by the only bipedal carnivorous plant-lifeform (well, NOW we know it is a plant) known to that planet. On the positive side, the plant later ate the new arrivals.
...when the plant then proved to be a highly intelligent agent for the planet-wide entity called Ah, only trying to communicate to us through their corrosive saliva, and we had already exterminated every single specimen as life-threatening. The planet is still sulking.
...when we finally found an Earth-like planet, settled in, introduced a myriad variety of our own bacteria to the indigenous ecosystem and thus destroyed the whole planet within two weeks. The stench is so bad no-one goes nowhere near that solar system now.
...when the gas-like-entities of Nebula 332 were so fed up with all the obnoxious fumes we emitted, they decided to pack up, leave their home and move to somewhere far, far away. They had never met anyone so rude before.
...when the annual celebration of the new life cones ended tragically for all the Kaio-spheres since the flight engineers had deemed the perfect landing site to be just on top of their nondescript, tiny dwelling. No-one ever knew they even existed.
Space, the final frontier, where we can still be jerks without even realizing it.