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The Accident

”Whaddaya mean I'm drunk? I'm mossst cerrrtainly am not!”

The lean old man sniggered, sending spit flying across the dried up branches of the tree he was perching in. The bow he was holding in his wrinkled hands swayed dangerously in the heights and he had to grab the nearest sprig to keep his balance.

”Come down from there. I'm not joking!”

Anael's voice was strained. Her day hadn't started so well to begin with, with all the commotion about the new strategy the company was about to launch. And the evening looked like it was only getting worse with her stuck to watch over this fucking idiot.

She sighed in exasperation. ”You simply cannot hunt in this condition. You must know that.”

”I'm in perrrrrfect condition. I never missss, you know that!”

He set the arrow to the bowstring, closing one eye and sticking his tongue out as if it would help him with his aim. With a big grunt, he drew the string and tried to find his target, swinging back and forward haphazardly, feet desperate to find some support in the slippery foliage of the huge oak.

”I'm ok! I'm oooohkay!”

Anael's sigh sounded more discouraged than anything and she covered her eyes with her right hand. It felt good to rub the temples with the thumb and the pinkie. It was a desperate effort to rid herself of a headache she felt coming. This idiot would only know overtime at work and she really didn't want to stay tonight. Anahita was waiting for her. It was their anniversary. She'd booked a table at a fancy restaurant and everything.

The arrow made a whizzing sound flying through the air and hit a young woman straight into the heart with a force. For a moment there was a complete silence.


”Oops? Oops? What does that mean? What did you do?”

”Ummm. Like I said, I never miss. But it seems I hit the lady next to the one I was supposed to.” His voice was suddenly surprisingly sober.

”Oh nononono. You stupid son of a bitch, Cupid! I told you, you are in no condition to work tonight! Shit! I need to call Anahita I'm going to be late sorting this mess out. We will have to rewrite their love story! You have no idea how much work that is! I'm never going to get to my dinner date in time.”

She stabbed her forefinger through the air, pointing at Cupid. ”You will get fired for this. I will see to that. This was the last time something like this happens. You'll never touch that bow and arrow again.”



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