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The Universe Inside Me

There's a universe inside me. A vast expanse of destinies, stories, and myths filled with bizarre places, familiar landscapes, friends, lovers, and villains.

I am its creator, its god and puppet master. It travels with me wherever I go, keeps me company whatever I do. With it as my companion, I am never alone, never bored.

It is there when I wake up in the morning, it is there when the mundane tasks take their toll during the day and it is there when I go to sleep at night. It is there when I walk in the forest when I find new pathways and create tales for every new route. It is there in the silent moments when the house is quiet and everyone else is asleep.

The inhabitants of this universe stroll through their lives ignorant of the fact that their whole existence is controlled, guided and restricted by arbitrary rules I have set for them. In a whim, villains are turned into lovers and lovers into villains.

I follow their lives, see what they see, feel what they feel: overjoyed, heartbroken, furious and passionate. Some of them are friends from long ago, they have walked beside me through hardships and happiness. Some are created only for a specific purpose and vanish into the deep unknown when no longer needed.

I steal faces and fates, adventures and occurrences from our real world into theirs. They seem content in being what they are but in the deep, deep shadows of my mind, I hear hushed words being whispered into my ear. What if I am their nourishment, what if they sustain themselves off of me so that in the end I am left barren, hollow... empty?

There is a universe inside me.

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